How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In 5 Easy Steps

Want to know how to get rid of bed bugs permanently? This guide will take you through essential steps to identify, treat, and prevent bed bug infestations. Whether you choose DIY methods or professional treatments, you’ll find everything you need to ensure your home stays bed-bug-free.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify bed bug infestations by looking for live insects, blood spots, brown stains, and signs of bites on your skin.
  • Immediate actions include isolating infested items, performing hot washes and drying, and thorough vacuuming to prevent the spread of bed bugs.
  • Consider professional treatments like heat and chemical methods or DIY approaches such as diatomaceous earth and steam cleaning, and follow up with preventative measures such as regular inspections, decluttering, and sealing entry points.

1. Identifying Bed Bug Infestations

The first step in declaring war on bed bugs is to identify bed bugs and confirm their presence. These cunning critters are experts at staying undercover, but with a discerning eye, you can spot signs of an infestation. Look for live insects, mysterious blood spots, and peculiar brown stains on your sheets – these are telltale signs that bed bugs have made themselves at home.

By identifying these clues, you’ll be well on your way to tackling the infestation head-on.

Spotting adult bed bugs

Adult bed bugs are secretive but not invisible. About the size of an apple seed, they have flat, oval bodies that swell and redden after a meal. They tend to congregate in the safe havens of your bed frame and mattress seams, so keep a close eye on these areas.

Spotting their pale yellow eggs or shed skins is also a clear indication that bed bugs are bunking with you.

Recognising bed bug bites

Waking up with itchy bites can be a distressing experience. Bed bug bites often appear as raised, red welts in clusters or zigzag patterns on the skin. Unlike other insect bites, these lack a red spot in the centre.

If you notice such patterns, especially after a night’s rest, it may be time to investigate further for these unwelcome bedfellows.

Detecting bed bug excrement

Bed bugs leave more than just bite marks; they leave a mess. Small blood spots on your sheets or brown stains on your mattress are not just a laundry nuisance; they are signs of bed bug excrement. These marks are the aftermath of their feeding frenzy and a critical sign to look out for when hunting for evidence of these pests.

2. Immediate Actions to Take

Upon confirming a bed bug infestation, you must act swiftly to thwart their spread. Isolate infested items, give your fabrics a hot wash and dry, and vacuum every nook and cranny. These immediate measures are your first line of defence against the bed bug brigade and essential steps in reclaiming your domain.

Isolate infested items

To halt the bed bug advance, start by quarantining any infested items. Sealing these items in plastic bags or containers can contain the problem and prevent further contamination. It’s a waiting game, as leaving these items isolated for up to a year may be necessary to ensure that any hidden bed bugs meet their demise.

Hot wash and dry

The battle against bed bugs heats up when you introduce them to your washing machine’s hottest setting. Laundering your clothing and bedding in water that’s at least 60°C followed by a high-heat tumble dry is a surefire way to exterminate these pests and their eggs.

Vacuum thoroughly

A thorough vacuuming session can suck the life out of any lingering bed bugs. Be meticulous in your approach, targeting all the places bed bugs love to hide. Once you’ve finished, seal the vacuum bag tightly and dispose of it outside to ensure there’s no chance of escape.

3. Professional Bed Bug Treatments

When the bed bug situation is beyond your control or simply too large to handle, it’s time to call in the cavalry—professional pest control services. With access to more powerful treatments like heat and chemicals, a pest control professional can help you eliminate bed bugs permanently by controlling bed bugs effectively.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is like a sauna session from hell for bed bugs. By raising the temperature of your infested areas to a sweltering 120°F, even the most tenacious bugs and their eggs will succumb. The heat must be evenly distributed to leave no cold spots for the bed bugs to survive.

Chemical treatments

Chemical warfare in the form of insecticides may be necessary to kill bugs and gain the upper hand. Pest control professionals can deploy an arsenal of approved chemicals, targeting the bed bugs’ hideouts and disrupting their life cycle with Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs).

Integrated pest management

Integrated pest management (IPM) is the strategic use of multiple tactics to outsmart bed bugs. This method combines chemical and non-chemical treatments, ensuring a thorough eradication of the infestation. It’s a collaborative effort that may require a second treatment to confirm the victory over bed bugs.

4. DIY Methods to Eliminate Bed Bugs

For those who prefer the hands-on approach, there are several DIY methods to kill bed bugs and send them packing. From natural powders to steam cleaning, these strategies can help you get rid of bed bugs in a more personal manner.

Using diatomaceous earth

Sprinkle a little diatomaceous earth around your bed, and watch as these natural granules work their magic. The earth acts like microscopic razor blades, cutting through the bed bugs’ exoskeletons and leading to their dehydration and death.

Steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is a hot tip for bed bug annihilation. With temperatures soaring to at least 130°F, the steam penetrates the bed bugs’ hiding spots, killing them on contact. This versatile method can be used on mattresses, furniture, and even carpets.

Mattress encasements

Consider mattress encasements as a bed bug straightjacket. These covers trap the bugs inside, cutting off their food supply and leading to their eventual demise. It’s a simple yet effective way to protect your mattress, bed frames, and box spring from these pesky invaders.

5. Preventing Future Infestations

Once you’ve cleared your home of bed bugs, it’s crucial to take measures to prevent a resurgence. Vigilance is key—regular inspections, decluttering, and sealing up any entry points will help keep these unwelcome guests from returning.

Regular inspections

Stay one step ahead of bed bugs with routine inspections to find bed bugs. Check for signs of bed bugs regularly, especially after returning from travels or purchasing second-hand furniture, as this is how bed bugs survive and spread.

Keeping a watchful eye on potential hiding spots like mattress seams and baseboards is essential for early detection.

Decluttering your home

A clutter-free home is a bed bug’s nightmare. The fewer hiding spots they have, the less likely they are to settle in. Take the time to purge unnecessary items and organise your belongings to minimise the risk of bed bug infestations.

Sealing entry points

Don’t let bed bugs find a way back in. Seal cracks and crevices with silicon caulk, repair any peeling wallpaper, and install door sweeps to block their entry.

How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

If you’ve been bitten, treating the bites can alleviate discomfort and prevent infection. From over-the-counter remedies to home treatments, there are several options to soothe the itch and promote healing.

Over-the-counter treatments

For immediate relief, reach for over-the-counter treatments like steroid creams, oral antihistamines, and tea tree oil. These can reduce inflammation and itching, helping you to get through the day (and night) with less discomfort.

Home remedies

Home remedies can also provide solace from bed bug bites. A cold compress or a baking soda and water paste can be applied to the bites to alleviate itching and swelling.

When to seek medical help

While most bed bug bites are harmless and heal on their own, some may require medical attention. If you experience excessive pain, swelling, or signs of infection, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare provider.

Choosing Eradi Control For Pest Control Services

When DIY methods fall short, and you need a surefire solution, Eradi Control is your go-to for pest control services. With certified professionals and a comprehensive range of treatments, they are equipped to handle any level of infestation.

Selecting a pest control service that offers transparency, expertise, and tailored treatments will ensure that bed bugs are a thing of the past.


As we draw the battle lines to a close, remember that identifying, treating, and preventing bed bug infestations is within your grasp. By following these steps and seeking professional help when necessary, you can achieve a bed-bug-free home. Sleep soundly, knowing you’re well-armed with the knowledge and resources to maintain your sanctuary and defend it against any future invasions.

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